What safeguards are in place to protect my drinking water?
If you live in the UK, the drinking water coming out of your tap is amongst the best in the world.
Here at Portsmouth Water, we closely monitor drinking water quality right across our supply system. We analyse more than 40,000 samples a year from water sources, right through to your taps. These samples must meet the strict standards set out by our independent regulator, the Drinking Water Inspectorate.
Water from Havant Thicket Reservoir would be treated to meet these strict drinking water standards before being supplied to customers.
We are expected to be in sole control of the water entering and leaving the reservoir. That’s for both the current scheme and if the water recycling proposals, known as the Hampshire Water Transfer & Water Recycling Project, went ahead in future.
If there were any issues with the quality of the water being produced at the proposed new water recycling plant supplementing the reservoir, it would automatically shut down.
Next, you can find out what water recycling would mean for the environment and recreation at Havant Thicket Reservoir.
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